Getting to the Bottom of the Problem: The Causes and Treatments for Adult Butt Rash

Butt rash and irritation does not discriminate when it makes its very unwelcome appearance. It can happen to any adult for a variety of reasons.

It also seems to spring up out of nowhere for most sufferers.

One day your butt is suddenly on fire with redness, swelling and irritation that leaves you begging for a solution.

Even for the least self-conscious person, butt rash is still an unpleasant issue that can lead to embarrassing situations and negative feelings.

I feel strongly that there is a current need to address these kinds of rashes so you will not feel as if you are alone in suffering from the occasional rash on buttocks.

There is no reason to suffer in silence for fear of judgment or embarrassment when you can seek out a workable solution.

While we have made many advancements in eliminating judgments of health issues as a society, there is still a stigma attached to suffering from rash on butt, which means that most people are afraid to talk about it for fear of what others may think.

This is unfortunate because it can get in the way of taking care of some of the root causes of butt rash and may cause you to worry in silence without reason.

However, the reality is that butt rash can prey on anyone and is probably more prevalent than you might think.

In addition to not being too embarrassed to discuss your butt rash with a doctor or other medical professional, it helps to understand some of the root causes and the steps you can take to reduce the effects or prevent it in the future.

Here is why rash on buttocks tends to occur and what you can do to ease your suffering in the future.


Why Adults Get Butt Rash and How They Can Treat It?

patient with Doctor

Why do you think a rash on back of thighs and buttocks occurs?

For many, the answer to that question is an embarrassing admittance of uncleanliness.

While this may be unpleasant to come to terms with, the good news is that you can take easy steps to improve your general hygiene to makes sure that you do not have to endure another irritating butt rash.

However, there are many reasons someone may develop a rash in general. Rashes can appear due to contact with certain chemicals or as a symptom of some other medical condition.

You may also be genetically predisposed to suffer from irritations on your skin.

A rash can appear anywhere on the body, for any number of reasons. Even though some people may suffer from a rash because of lack of proper hygiene, this is certainly not always the case. If it is a case of poor hygiene, it is easily corrected.

The buttocks region, as a part of your body, is especially prone to developing rashes as well because of the bacteria you can be exposed to when using public restrooms and the additional hygiene issues that generally affect this area of the body.

That is why it is so important to make sure that you wash that area of your body frequently and take extra care to wear clean underwear all the time.


Understanding Rashes in General

According to the National Institutes of Health, a rash is any kind of inflammation of the skin.(1)

This inflammation can lead to small bumps and blisters on the skin around the irritated area.

The appearance of the affected area can vary widely according to the cause of the rash and the sensitivity of the person affected. They can occur for a multitude of reasons.

See how broad that definition is?

It encompasses a wide range of different conditions and means that a rash can range in severity from slightly irritating to blistering.

While hearing the word may instinctively trigger a reaction of repulsion and shame, this simply does not comport with the reality that rashes are very common and have a variety of causes.

In general, most rashes are categorized by skin that becomes reddened, or swollen looking. You will probably first notice a rash because that area of your skin itches or you see a discoloration.

If you feel a pervasive itch on an area of your body that is not visible to you, you should check in a mirror to see if there is any discoloration or swelling around the area of your body that itches.

Rashes tend to itch rather fiercely and can last for any amount of time depending on the underlying cause. It stands to reason that the longer a rash goes untreated, the longer it is likely to cause you discomfort or pain.

doctors and patient discussing


What are the Typical Causes of a Rash?

As stated, rashes can occur for any number of reasons…

Some of the most common reasons why you may suffer from a rash include: (2)

» Allergies

»Genetic predisposition

» Heat

» Sickness and infection

» Touching some kind of irritant

» An insect bite

» Animal dander

» Lack of proper personal hygiene

» Exposure to chemicals or bacteria while swimming

» Drugs

Pretty much anything can give you a rash because everyone reacts differently to drugs and chemicals.

You may have an allergy to a certain substance that developed later in life and you were previously unaware of.

Some people are more sensitive to animal dander or insect bites than others. It is also possible to develop sensitivities to irritants later in life that you did not previously have any reaction to as a child.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, even pregnancy can lead to a woman developing a rash. (3)

It is estimated that about one in five pregnant women experience changes to their skin during their pregnancy, including hives.

As hormones change and become less stable while you are pregnant, you are more susceptible to negative reactions to chemicals and other skin irritants.

About one in 105 women experience some form of hives during their pregnancy, which can be the result of a variety of factors. If you are pregnant and develop a rash that lasts more than a day or so, you should speak with your doctor so that you can keep an eye on the condition before it worsens.

In addition, not all rashes are the same. Some can appear as minor irritations, while other more noticeable rashes can cause significant pain and discomfort until they are completely gone.

Depending on the specific cause of the rash and your own body, you can be predisposed to suffering from different types of rashes.


Different Types of Rashes

It is important to keep in mind that no matter what kind of rash you have or think you have, you will still need a professional opinion before you can be certain about the cause and severity of your rash.

It is easy to read about some symptoms online, and then automatically think you have some singular problem. This can also lead to an overreaction or unnecessary stress over a potential condition that you are not actually suffering from.

Before you get carried away with diagnosing your symptoms online, you may want to seek the guidance of a medical professional if you are in serious discomfort from your rash or notice that it does not appear to be getting better.

While it is important that you do not automatically assume that you suffer from any particular type of rash, it can be helpful to have a general understanding of the types of rashes that exist.

With that said, here are a few different types of rashes.

There are types of rashes with medical names, and there are also descriptions of rashes in general to classify the condition of general redness of the skin.

The most common named rash types include: (4)



Granuloma annulare


Impetigo, which is almost exclusively found in young children


Poison ivy

Fungal rash


There are many more types of named rashes that are less common than the ones listed above, especially when you take into account specific skin issues that frequently involve rashes as symptoms of broader categories of typical skin conditions.

In some cases, you can also try to identify a rash by the appearance of the rash on the skin. The most common characteristics of a skin rash include: (5)

» Red and scaly skin

» Bumpy, flaky and itchy

» Multiple pimples confined to a specific area

» Tenderness

» Discoloration

» Blisters or pre-blisters

In addition to undesirable changes to an affected area of skin, a rash can also come with many other symptoms. For example, you may have a cough or a fever that accompanies a more serious rash.

The reason for this is because some sicknesses, such as Q fever, occupational asthma and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) can cause rashes or make you more prone to developing a rash, according to MedicineNet. (6)

If you suffer from a certain illness, your immune system may be less powerful in fighting off infections and resisting irritants to the skin that would not otherwise affect you in such a dramatic way.

Your rash can actually represent a warning to you about a far more serious health issue. Instead of ignoring your rash or being too self-conscious to address it, you should treat it is a potential indicator of another medical condition.

This is more likely to be the case if you have other symptoms that accompany your rash, such as a fever or fatigue. You should not delay in contacting a medical professional to address a rash that presents itself along with any other unexpected conditions.

It is critical that you call 911 right away if you experience trouble breathing along with a rash.

You could be suffering a serious allergic reaction that requires immediate medical treatment!


What Can Happen if You Do Not Take Care of Your Rash?

Rashes often represent a symptom to a problem and are not actually the medical problem that you need to worry about treating. (7)

Noticing a rash is important for bringing attention to a more serious condition, which should be treated immediately. As long as you are not in acute pain and can breathe normally, you can typically make an appointment with your primary care provider to have the rash examined.

The longer you go without treating the rash, the longer you could be suffering from the underlying condition that is causing your rash in the first place.

This can lead to any number of medical issues over time, which does not need to be the case. If you find that you frequently suffer from dry or irritated skin, you may be able to get the answers from a dermatologist to address a skin condition.

Otherwise, your primary care provider is an excellent place to start addressing the irritation.


What this Information Has To Do With Adult Butt Rashes

As you can see by now, there is a whole universe of things that may cause a rash.

All of those things equally apply to itchy rash on buttocks, which are simply a manifestation of the same kinds of rashes we discussed above, except that they appear on your buttocks.

This fact alone makes it more difficult to discuss butt rashes generally, although they are simply a product of the same causes of most other types of rashes.

Let’s now take a closer look at what you can do if you suffer from one. With a butt rash, the specific location of the rash on your buttocks can make a difference. For example, the rash can exist on your cheeks.

It can also appear at the top, bottom, or middle of your intergluteal cleft, which is the scientific name for your butt crack.

In addition, the rash can focus inside or around your anus. In some cases, the rash can cover all of these areas on your bottom. The rash can even spread to cover more of your body, including your butt.

Hemorrhoids are a common cause of butt rash.

According to the Hemorrhoids Center of America, it is easy to develop a butt rash once hemorrhoids become enlarged because they can cause a leak of fluid from the rectum, which contains bacteria that can cause infection and irritation of the skin. (8)


What You Can Do to Alleviate the Discomfort from a Butt Rash


The most important thing you can do in trying to treat your rash is to go and see a medical professional if the rash lasts for an extended period of time or keeps coming back.

Given that butt rashes can occur for a multitude of reasons, speculation is not helpful in determining the root cause and how to treat it.

That means a professional diagnosis is in order to pinpoint exactly what is causing the problem.

However, the reality is that not everyone can immediately see a doctor, especially a specialist without making an appointment well in advance.

In the meantime, here are a few things you can do to help alleviate the irritation that a butt rash can cause.


Wash Up


Immediately after a butt rash develops and becomes irritating, wash it with water and some neutral mild soap. This can help calm down the irritation before it grows unbearable and is a very cost-effective treatment.

You can find a sensitive skin soap on Amazon for a reasonable price. (check price on

This can help calm down the irritation before it grows unbearable.


Wear Loose Clothes

You should not wear tight clothing that will constantly rub against the rash and irritate it further.

Go for loose-fitting clothes while you are still suffering from the rash. Avoid any clothing that causes itching, such as thick wool.

However, it is a good idea to make sure that the affected area is not exposed to direct sunlight, which it is why it recommended that you cover up as much as possible.


Wait Patiently

Many butt rashes (like heat rash)  go away on their own as long as the area is not exposed to constant irritation.

While you should not wait longer than a few days for a butt rash to clear up, you should not immediately panic at the first sign of a butt rash.

If you have additional symptoms beyond the butt rash, you may want to see a professional immediately to rule out the possibility that it is a sign of a more serious issue.


Over The Counter Rash Treatments


There are many creams, lotions and medications available for treating a butt rash.(check products on

While they range in price, these tend to be affordable solutions to treating your butt rash at home quickly.

Topical medications that contain hydrocortisone and other ingredients included specifically for treating all kinds of rashes can also help with treating a butt rash.

In fact, a study by the journal Pharmatherapeutica, regarding the treatment of napkin dermatitis, indicated that 92% of the patients who applied 1% clotrimazole plus 1% hydrocortisone cream to their rash twice daily were considered to have been cured or markedly improved in two weeks.(check price on

If you know your rash came specifically from an insect bite or a plant, then you can seek remedies specifically that deal with those irritants.

Some calamine lotion can work wonders and is generally affordable. (check price on


Go Natural

There are many home and natural remedies for soothing or dealing with rashes, including: (9)

» Oils such as olive and castor oil

» Oatmeal

» Aloe vera

» Cucumbers

» Anything with vitamin E

There are more natural remedies besides the ones above, so you may want to do some independent research on these.(10)

You should also be cautious if you suffer from any allergies before trying any new natural remedy.

Also, keep in mind that you should only try these natural remedies out on your own if you already know the cause the of your butt rash.

If you do not know where the rash came from, you should first have a doctor or dermatologist take a look so that you do not complicate your condition or miss out on having a more serious medical issue properly addressed.


The Last Words on Adult Butt Rash: There is No Place for Shame

If you have made it to this point of the article, then you should know that a butt rash can affect almost anyone and at the most inconvenient times.

Adult butt rash is a relatively common ailment, and it is certainly not something that should bring you shame or embarrassment.

In fact, the worst thing you can do is to not treat the rash itself because you are too embarrassed to talk to a medical provider about your condition. This only serves to prolong the problem and causes you plenty of unnecessary worry and discomfort.

If you can identify the probable cause of the rash, then you are already well on your way to taking care of the symptoms. The faster you figure this out, the sooner that relief from the irritation and discomfort can come.

There is really no reason to delay in addressing a rash and trying to treat it.

While many rashes are simply uncomfortable and end up clearing up rather quickly, others can be more serious. They may also be indications of another medical condition that you should address as quickly as possible.

If the rash shows up unexpectedly and without any known cause, then you should go see a medical professional to get to the bottom of the problem, so to speak.


Further reading


1.Rashes Also called: Dermatitis, Skin rash, by MedlinePlus, Last reviewed: 15 August 2016
2.”Rashes.” Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative 27 Feb. 2018
3.Hives During Pregnancy,by American Pregnancy Association
4.Common Skin Rashes,WebMD LLC
5.Skin Rashes : Picture Gallery by the University of Iowa Department of Dermatology
6.Rash Center,by MedicineNet
7.Got a Rash or Other Skin Problem?Cindy Owen,July 1, 2013 Publication:Bottom Line Health
8.Anal Itching,by Hemorrhoid Centers of America.
9.Rash,Author: Gary W. Cole, MD, FAAD,Editor: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
10.Natural Remedies to Heal Skin Rash by Heather McClees