
The pH of Soy Sauce, Benefits, and Recipes Galore!

Soya is a healthy ingredient to have in your diet. It contains minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and it is also high in protein.

Soya sauce can be used to cook or as a dip for vegetables or bread. It does not contain dairy ingredients such as cream or butter that may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Whether making your favorite Japanese dish or just dipping bread into some flavorful sauce, it is important to know the pH of soya sauce.


What Is The pH of Soy Sauce?

Soya sauce is a vital ingredient in many Asian dishes, and it has a unique characteristic compared to other sauces.

Soya sauce is a very mild-tasting sauce that does not need much in terms of ingredients: garlic, ginger, salt, and black pepper. Its pH refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions, which can be alkaline or acidic depending on the ingredients added.

The pH value varies between brands but typically ranges from 4.0 to 5.6. (1,2,3.4)

The pH of soya sauce can vary depending on the type of soya sauce and how it’s been stored. It’s safe to eat, but you may want to test the pH using a pH testing strip before cooking with it.

If your soya has a slightly high pH, use it up quickly and don’t store it too long.

It’s safe to eat as it contains no naturally occurring toxins that could harm your body. Soya sauce is made from organic soybeans, salt, water, and acid-base (more commonly known as vinegar) (5).

Each ingredient has its health benefits that make it more than just a condiment!


How Is Soy Sauce Made?

Soy sauce is a fermented drink made by boiling the boiled soybeans with salt and koji, then adding rice vinegar, cooking it until it reaches paste form.

It is used as a flavoring in Japanese cuisine, especially in meat and fish dishes such as sukiyaki and chawanmushi, where it produces a savory taste. It is also used to pickle veggies such as cucumbers or gourd.


How to Use Soy Sauce in Food?

Soy sauce (or soya sauce in British English) is an important cooking ingredient. It tastes best with cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. People use it in almost all vegetarian recipes.

Most importantly, for the preparation of Japanese food or Chinese food, soya sauce is the only ingredient that can be used in most of them; onion, ginger, garlic, and honey are also essential ingredients in these dishes, and they all pair well with soya sauce.

It’s used to accompany rice and noodles, as a dipping sauce for fried items, and even as an ingredient in stir-fries! Although it’s considered a “functional food,” soy sauce is commonly consumed alongside other healthful foods like whole grains.

Since soy sauce is a condiment made from fermented soybeans, it has high levels of sodium, which means that it can be used to add saltiness to your food.

The preservative properties in soy sauce also make it perfect for marinating meat.


Health Benefits of Soy Sauce

There are numerous health benefits of soy sauce, according to the latest research, that one should not ignore. Adding a few drops into your meal every now and again can have a significant physical impact on your life.

Check out these benefits of soya sauce.


A Sodium Source

The USDA National Nutrient Database states that a 1-teaspoon serving of soy sauce has around 335 milligrams of salt (6).

Although salt is a necessary element for fundamental biological processes like blood pressure regulation and nerve transmission, the daily maximum limit for individuals is 2,300mg of sodium.

For persons with a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases and those 51 years of age or older, the recommended daily intake reduces to 1,500 milligrams (7).


Less Sodium Than Salt, Same Taste

Less soy sauce is needed to provide the same depth of flavor as table salt due to its rich flavor.

This implies that despite having a relativelyhigh salt level, it may aid in limiting your sodium intake. Since most Americans consume too much sodium, substituting soy sauce for salt may help you lower your daily sodium intake without sacrificing flavor.

Regardless of the reality that the overall sodium level was decreased, a 2009 study published in the Journal of Food Science indicated that substituting organic brewed soy sauce for common table salt in dishes did not lessen the intensity of the food’s flavor (8).

Foods in some instances included 50% less salt with no detectable flavor alteration.


Having Anti-Allergenic Qualities

Soy sauce has anti-allergenic qualities, according to a 2005 review (9).

Shoyu polysaccharides, which are created during the fermentation process needed to generate soy sauce, showed strong anti-allergic properties in a cell-line investigation (10). In a human experiment, individuals who consumed soy sauce and also had allergies showed more recovery than those who took a placebo.

The researchers concluded that soy sauce had a lot of potential for treating allergies, but further research was required.


Antioxidant Characteristics

Soy sauce was shown to have a significant amount of shoyuflavones, a natural antioxidant, in a review of many investigations published in 2005 (11).

Natural antioxidants shield your body from the harm induced by free radicals, which the body naturally produces during food digestion. Free radicals may increase the chance of getting cancer or heart disease and accelerate the aging process (12).

The review’s author concluded that soy sauce’s antioxidants enhanced overall stomach acid production, aiding digestion by improving the effects of inflammation.

Furthermore, it was discovered that the soy sauce’s antibacterial qualities worked well in shielding the body from several microorganisms.


Possibility of Anti-Tumor Effects

Research on mice revealed that soy sauce meals might lessen the occurrence and growth of liver tumors (13).

The impact of soy chemicals on tumorigenesis and mutagenesis may considerably lessen tumor development. To fully understand these impacts on people, additional study is necessary since there haven’t been enough studies done in this area.


Could Reduce LDL Cholesterol

According to a paper published in Nutrients, soy’s natural compounds generated by the fermentation process may reduce LDL cholesterol levels (14). To fully comprehend this soy sauce advantage in people, additional study is necessary.


Could Lower Blood Pressure

Lower blood pressure was seen in 13-week research on rats with a body weight of 200 mg/kg/day of salt-free, freshly fermented, soy sauce orally (15).

According to another research, a classic Korean soy sauce called Ganjang is reported to have anti-hypertensive qualities (16).


Could Lessen Allergies

According to some reports, soy sauce has anti-allergic characteristics that might assist in treating allergies brought on by eating certain foods.

Soy sauce’s Shoyu polysaccharides (SPS) may have a suppressant impact on ear allergy responses. These may also enhance living standards for those suffering from allergic rhinitis.

It has been discovered that taking 600 mg of the Shoyu polysaccharides daily for four weeks helps with allergic rhinitis symptoms (17).


Facilitates Digestion

The probiotic qualities of the microorganisms utilized in fermenting soy sauce aid in better digestion.

According to a study, soy sauce’s polyphenols aid in food digestion as well (18). One cup of translucent soup with soy sauce may increase gastric juice output and aid in digestion, according to another research on the Japanese Shoyu soy sauce that looked at its functional aspects (19).


How to Make Soya Sauce at Home?


  • 1200g of beige or white dry soybeans
  • 1200g of soft wheat berries
  • 5g of starter aspergillus orzyae
  • 825g of sea salt
  • 8liters of water


  1. Rinse soybeans and cover them with water in a large glass jar (they will absorb water and double in size).
  2. Soak overnight.
  3. Drain water and cook in a pressure cooker for an hour and a half or boil for 6 hours in water. Should crush between fingers when done.
  4. Add wheat berries to a skillet and brown until golden brown.
  5. Grind the wheat in a grinder or food processor.
  6. Mix wheat berries and drained soybeans in a bowl and let it cool.
  7. Add the Koji starter and mix thoroughly.
  8. Spread mixture onto a tray and leave small gaps every 2 inches.
  9. Cover the mixture with a tightly woven cloth or plastic wrap and add a thermometer underneath. Incubate trays at 32ºC or 85ªF for 2 to 2.5 days.
  10. Keep an eye on the temperature and make sure it stays at the 27-35ºC or 80-95ºF range.
  11. Occasionally stir the mixture and break any clumps apart before spreading it again and leaving gaps.
  12. After a soft, fuzzy mold develops, prepare a large container with water and 3.5 cups of sea salt. Stir until salt is dissolved.
  13. Add the mixture to the brine and cover with a tight lid. Label the jar with the date.
  14. Keep in a warm spot and let it ferment. Stir the mixture daily for a week. And then leave it for 6 months, stirring once a week.
  15. It will develop a rusty deep brown color. You can strain the mixture now with a strainer or a cloth-lined strainer. To develop a darker color, leave bottle of liquid in the sun for a few months.
  16. Strain and filter again.
  17. Enjoy!

In Conclusion

The pH of Soya Sauce really depends on the brand you are using. So, ensure to read the label properly when you are at the grocery store.

We recommend getting the Japanese Shoyu soya sauce since that has the best health benefits for people. Using soya sauce as a replacement forsalt in many dishes can be better for you. And who doesn’t love dipping their Sashimi in a bowl of soya sauce?!

So, go for it and add a dash of soya sauce to whatever you are cooking up next time.


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