
How Much Potassium is in Strawberries?

Strawberries can be paired with various cuisines to create delightful delicacies. Strawberries are used to add sweetness to salads or dipped in chocolate to make a delicious dessert; the possibilities are endless.

Have you ever wondered whether strawberries are high or low in potassium?

Awareness of the nutrients in our meals can benefit our health by giving us an idea of which foods to eat and which to avoid. Let’s further discuss how much potassium in strawberries?


How Much Potassium in Strawberries?

The simple answer to how much potassium in strawberries is that one cup of raw strawberries has around 232.56 mg of potassium, and a single serving has less than 200mg of potassium (1).

The vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that strawberries contain make them incredibly healthful. Read further to see a complete breakdown of the nutritional contents of strawberries.


Strawberries’ Nutritional Value

Strawberries are free of sodium and cholesterol and serve as a high-fiber meal that is also potent in antioxidants known as polyphenols and packed with vitamins, fiber, and other healthy minerals.

They are also a high source of antioxidants, protecting us from deadly diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Strawberry Vitamin C content may surprise you. The vitamin C content of one orange is found in only eight to nine strawberries. One cup of sliced, fresh strawberries (166 grams) has the following nutrients in it, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):

  • calories: 53
  • carbohydrates: 12.7 grams
  • protein: 1.11 grams
  • calcium: 27 milligrams (mg)
  • dietary fiber: 3.30 grams
  • iron: 0.68 mg
  • phosphorus: 40 mg
  • magnesium: 22 mg
  • potassium: 254 mg
  • vitamin C: 97.60 mg
  • vitamin A: 20 international units
  • folate: 40 MCG

Strawberries are a great source of phytochemicals (plant-based molecules) that boost health. According to the findings of a 2011 USDA database containing ellagic acid and a range of flavonoids, namely anthocyanins, quercetin, kaempferol, and catechin (2).


Health Benefits of Strawberries

Here are a few potential health benefits of strawberries that will encourage you to include them in your daily diet.


Immunity Booster

No matter how many vitamins you take, they cannot replace natural ingredients’ quality of nutrients and minerals. Strawberries are a rich source of Vitamin C, an essential component that aids our body in fighting against a variety of viruses and bacterial illnesses.

You need 100 grams of strawberries to get slightly more than 50 milligrams of vitamin C, which is enough to cover at least half of your daily needs. Therefore, if you want a healthy immune system, start consuming the total amount of the immune-boosting natural ingredient.


Protects From Cancer

The subject of an expanding corpus of scientific study is how strawberry consumption affects the genes that control cancer formation. Prior research emphasized the fruit’s role in boosting the antioxidant in our body.

Dietary fiber-rich foods like strawberries will likely reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, weight gain, and obesity.

We mention weight gain because research indicates that possessing excess body fat raises your chance of developing at least 12 types of malignancies.

Additionally, some data shows fruit consumption may reduce the risk of lung cancer and squamous cell esophageal cancer (3).



You must have noticed how the red color and shape of the strawberries resemble a heart. As discussed above, the potassium found in strawberries can also help promote heart health.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a reliable source, there is a negative correlation between potassium intake and the risk of heart disease. Hence, people who have heart diseases can also consume them safely.

According to a study carried out in 2019, strawberries are rich in quercetin and anthocyanin, which help prevent heart diseases such as heart failure and heart attacks (4). Evidence suggests that Anthocyanin intake can reduce a decreased risk of a heart attack.

Moreover, according to 2016 research, quercetin also contains anti-inflammatory characteristics that seem to lower the risk of atherosclerosis (5).


Better Vision

Strawberries are an incredible source of healthy plant chemicals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that help prevent glaucoma and cataracts. Older people can benefit from consuming strawberries as it will significantly help them reduce the chances of developing cataracts.

The nutrients found in strawberries preserve the lens protein by reducing the UV radiation exposure to the eyes. Strawberries protect and help boost the retina and cornea when consumed regularly.


Lower Risk of Hypertension

Strawberries’ potassium contents may be helpful for those who have high blood pressure. According to a 2018 study, strawberries are rich in compounds that help the body balance sodium’s harmful impact (6).

The researchers discovered that increasing the consumption of foods high in potassium can reduce blood pressure, which minimizes the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Stronger Bones

According to a recent study, eating berries like strawberries regularly helps strengthen bones (7). It prevents chronic bone-related diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis by lowering the chances of osteopenia and joint inflammation. Additionally, these tasty fruits reduce C – reactive protein (CRP) levels, a marker of inflammation in the body.


Lower the Risk of Strokes

According to the American Heart Association, the daily salt intake for the typical American is around 3,400 mg?

The association advises not to take more than 1,500 mg daily, and you should take significantly less if you have specific medical issues like hypertension.

Potassium contents found in strawberries can help our bodies regulate salt, which may help lower the risk of stroke.


Reduce Constipation

According to a recent study, increasing fiber consumption helped 77 percent of persons with persistent constipation (8). Berries, in general, including strawberries, are a source of vitamins.

Therefore, an excellent treatment for constipation might be an assortment of berries, including raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.


Will I Get Any Reactions To Strawberries?

Strawberries are safe when consumed orally, and anyone can consume them in proportions found in meals; if you have an allergic reaction upon consuming strawberries, we recommend seeing a doctor immediately.

Some individuals are hypersensitive to the Rosaceae family may experience an allergic response to strawberries. Almond, Apricot, peach, plum, apple, and pear are all a part of this category. Before eating strawberries, talk to your doctor to determine if you have any allergies.

Moreover, some individuals with bleeding disorders may experience excessive bleeding and a higher risk of bruising if they consume strawberries in large quantities. Therefore, limiting your strawberry intake for a few days is best if you plan on getting surgery.

For people who want to make organic masks and apply strawberries to the skin, there isn’t enough reliable data to determine the safety of strawberries or any potential reactions. However, it is best to do a patch test to ensure your skin doesn’t have an allergic reaction.

Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers can also consume strawberries. However, if you have gestational diabetes, we recommend consuming strawberries in limited amounts.


How Can I Include Strawberries In My Diet?

Various strawberry products are on the market, including jellies, jams, frozen, fresh, and freeze-dried strawberries.

However, we advise anybody interested in consuming strawberries in various forms, particularly jellies and jams, to check the labels of frozen and dried strawberries for added sugars to ensure they are not consuming excessive amounts of sugar.

You could opt for an all-fruit spread without additional sweeteners or fillers if you want a healthier alternative to jellies and jams. In addition, you may incorporate strawberries into your diet in the following ways:

  • Blend a handful of strawberries and a few tablespoons of honey to taste. Fill Popsicle molds with the blended goodness and freeze for a day (You can also add strawberry chunks). You will have a healthy version of popsicles that tastes incredibly delicious on hot summer days. (You can add other fruits and customize the popsicles to your liking.
  • For breakfast, combine a few tablespoons of organic Greek yogurt with a few strawberries and some nuts of your preference. Drizzle some honey on top for sweetness, and you’ve got yourself a delicious, healthy breakfast.
  • You can make one at home if you want a no-preservative, no-added-sugar jab. There are numerous homemade strawberry jam recipes available online.
  • If your sweet tooth gets the best of you and you want to cheat on your diet while adding a healthy touch to your cheat meal, cover strawberries in Nutella and freeze them. Serve chilled; this will be the tastiest dessert you have ever tasted if served chilled.
  • Take a few organic plant-based tortillas and add a layer of organic peanut butter on them, then lay a few thin slices of strawberries on them and serve with organic maple syrup drizzled on top.
  • Add a few handfuls of frozen strawberries, yogurt, honey, and lemon juice to a food processor and process until creamy. You’ll be left with a healthy and delicious homemade frozen yogurt. It may also be frozen for up to a month when kept in an airtight container.
  • Add sliced strawberries to your salads, pancakes, smoothies, ice cream, and waffles.
  • Mix goat cheese, grilled chicken, nuts, spinach, and strawberries to make a delicious salad.

By including strawberries in your meals, you will be able to prepare healthy and delicious meals that will aid in weight loss. This is because you can create great things at home, which will minimize your desire to order harmful fast food.

Read more: How much potassium is in peanut butter?



Now that we’ve addressed the question, “How much potassium in strawberries?” and told you about the many different benefits of consuming strawberries, you can begin your path to a healthier life by including strawberries into your diet using the techniques listed above.

Strawberries are a lovely addition to various meals like smoothies made with other fruits or a topping on yogurts and salads.

Making this nutritious fruit a regular part of your diet is undoubtedly an excellent nutritional decision for optimal overall health as it offers a variety of advantages, including enhanced gut health, heart health, protection from cancer, boosted immunity, and eye health.



1. What will happen if I eat too many strawberries?

Excess consumption of strawberries may result in stomach aches, reflux, diarrhea, heartburn, or increased diabetic levels for people with diabetes.


2. Can I wash and eat moldy strawberries?

Avoid consuming dry, squishy, and moldy strawberries because they taste odd, and you might develop stomach issues if you have them.


3. How long can I refrigerate strawberries?

Strawberries can be refrigerated for around a week.


4. Can I consume strawberries daily?

You can eat up to eight strawberries per day.


5. Do strawberries act as blood thinners?

All fruits that come under the berry category act as blood thinners.


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