
Six Tips for Sleeping Better at Night

Having a good night’s sleep is more important to our health than we know.

For example, did you know poor sleep is linked to weight gain and increased disease risk?

Sadly, nowadays, people have been getting much less good quality sleep.

If you’ve ever found yourself tossing and turning in bed, trying to drift into sweet slumber but somehow unable to, just know we’ve all been there.

In fact, insomnia is considered the most common sleep-related problem.

It leaves you feeling groggy and grumpy in the morning and can ruin the rest of your day.

But you’ll be glad to know there are many ways to overcome this problem. That’s right; you’re not doomed for restless nights forever.

Today we’ll discuss some tips you can follow to improve your chances of sleeping better at night.

So, if you’re ready to make a change, read ahead.


1. Get Comfortable Bedding

Have you ever noticed that you always sleep much better in a hotel?

This isn’t just because you’re in vacation mode – it’s also because the bed quality at hotels is good. As humans, we spend a considerable time of our lives in bed, so why not invest in good quality bedding?

First, you must ensure you’re sleeping on a high-quality mattress. It should have enough spine support and feel comfortable for you to lie on.

We suggest you try a DreamCloud mattress and a pillow to make your bed more inviting and comfortable.

Your pillow should also support your preferred sleeping position and provide suitable neck and head support to encourage optimal spine alignment.

So, if it’s been more than five years since you last changed your bedding, changing it might do you wonders.


2. Daytime Light Exposure

Your circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock – it tells you when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up.

To keep this rhythm working and healthy, you should start getting a good amount of sunlight during the day.

This light will boost your internal clock, which might help improve energy levels during the day while helping you sleep better at night.

On the other hand, you should avoid bright lights during the night.

Now that it’s dark out and time to sleep, you want your body to know it. The blue light from your cellphone screens can trick your brain into thinking it’s still daytime and will keep you up for longer.

If you need to use your devices late at night, try using a blue light filter.


3. Have a Consistent Sleep Schedule

If you want to make sure you sleep well every night, there’s some effort you’ll need to put in.

This might mean keeping and sticking to a sleep schedule.

By sleeping and waking up at the same time every day, your body’s internal clock will adapt to the cycle – and before you know it, you’ll be able to naturally sleep and wake up at the same time each day.

Make sure not to dedicate more than 8 hours a night to sleep. Most healthy adults only require 7-9 hours; if you tend to oversleep, it can leave you groggy the next day.

But if you are in bed, unable to sleep for more than 20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing to help you feel tired.

Don’t be afraid to repeat the process –remember to stay consistent.


4. Avoid Stimulants at Night

Some of us might enjoy a nighttime cup of tea or coffee, but sadly the caffeine in this beverage will have you tossing and turning all night.

Since caffeine stays in your system for 6 to 8 hours, try cutting it off by about 3 or 4 pm.

But if you find yourself craving a cup of joe later in the day, you could try having a decaffeinated cup or a different hot beverage like warm milk.

It might not taste the same, but it’ll have a similar soothing effect that you’ll get used to over time.

But it’s not just caffeine that’s the culprit here – other substances such as nicotine and alcohol can disrupt your sleep too, so monitor your intake and try avoiding them late at night.

This will restore your natural sleep cycle and improve your quality of sleep.


5. Change Your Eating Habits

Your diet and eating habits can have a huge impact on the way you sleep at night.

Whether you stuff yourself before sleep or go to bed hungry, it can all hurt your sleep quality.

This is because going to bed starving can cause discomfort and irritability, while eating too much can cause digestive problems that interrupt sleep.

It’s best to avoid hefty or large meals within a few hours of retiring to bed, giving your body enough time for digestion before lying down.

On top of that, spicy foods, which should be skipped in the late hours, can trigger discomfort and heartburn.

So, if you’re hungry, instead of that spicy ramen you love, opt for sleep-friendly snacks that help with relaxation, like a small bowl of oats or a juicy banana, which contain nutrients like complex carbohydrates, magnesium, and potassium.


6. Get Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly is a great way to stay fit and healthy, but it can also help you rest better at night too.


First, exercise can improve sleep quality by regulating your circadian rhythm, reducing insomnia symptoms, lowering stress, and boosting daytime energy.

Regular exercise helps you form a consistent sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up when you want.

Your body will let you sleep properly to recover from the day’s workout, so you’ll surely be well-rested.

Exercise promotes the release of stimulating hormones, making you more alert and energetic.

You want to use that energy when you need it and not when you’re trying to wind down and get some rest.



To sum it up, there’s no doubt that sleep is important for your well-being, and not having enough of it can have negative consequences.

There has been evidence that a lack of sleep is linked to diseases of the heart, type 2 diabetes, and many more illnesses.

Considering all the tips mentioned in this article, if you still have trouble at night, it may be time to see a healthcare professional.

They can help find any underlying cause that might prevent you from getting the restful sleep you deserve.

Remember: it’s not a luxury; it’s a necessity, so make it a priority.


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